Celebrating the Bowtie Wetland Demonstration - Celebrando la Demostración del Humedal de Bowtie   

CalArts Collaborates
x The Nature Conservancy

Celebrating Bowtie Wetland is a collaboration between California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) and The Nature Conservancy.  Explore the multimedia arts projects on this site to learn how the upcoming Bowtie Wetland Demonstration along the LA River will provide stormwater management, restore habitats for flora & fauna, and benefit the local community. 

Celebrando la Demostración del Humedal de Bowtie es una colaboración entre el Instituto de las Artes de California (CalArts) y The Nature Conservancy. Explore los proyectos de arte multimedia en este sitio para aprender cómo la próxima Demostración del Humedal de Bowtie a lo largo del río de LA proporcionará gestión de aguas pluviales, restaurará hábitats para la flora y la fauna y beneficiará a la comunidad local.


· About the Collaboration

· Project: Bird Cafe
· Project: Interconnected
· Project: Celebrating Transformation
· Project: Neighborhood Bowtie
· Media Arts Showcase: Event at CalCreative
· Credits & Acknowledgments

• Home Page

Where will the Bowtie Wetland Demonstration be? ¿Dónde estará la Demostración del Humedal de Bowtie?
The Bowtie Wetland Demonstration is a 2.5 acre site on the 18-acre Bowtie Parcel located on the east bank of the LA River in Glassell Park. The location was formerly part of Southern Pacific Railroad’s Taylor Yard.

La Demostración del Humedal de Bowtie es un sitio de 2.5 acres en la Parcela de Bowtie de 18 acres  ubicado en la orilla este del Río de LA en Glassell Park. La ubicacion anteriormente formaba parte de Taylor Yard de Southern Pacific Railroad.
Celebrating the Bowtie Wetland Demonstration Project   

CalArts Collaborates
x The Nature Conservancy

Celebrating Bowtie Wetland is a collaboration between California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) and The Nature Conservancy.  Explore the multimedia arts projects on this site to learn how the upcoming Bowtie Wetland Demonstration Project on the LA River will provide stormwater management, restore habitats for flora & fauna, and benefit the local community.


· About the Collaboration

· Project: Bird Cafe
· Project: Interconnected
· Project: Celebrating Transformation
· Project: Neighborhood Bowtie
· Media Arts Showcase: Event at CalCreative
· Credits & Acknowledgments

Where will the Bowtie Wetland Demonstration be?
The Bowtie Wetland Demonstration is a 2.5 acre site on the Bowtie Parcel located on the east bank of the LA River in Glassell Park. It is located on the Bowtie parcel, an 18 acre strip of land that was formerly part of Southern Pacific Railroad’s Taylor Yard.



View the Project: https://interconnected.celebratingbowtiewetland.com/

GIF & illustration from “Interconnected” website

El proyecto Bowtie Interconectado cuenta con un sitio web educativo interactivo con animaciones digitales de plantas y animaciones de títeres stop motion de animales que pueden tener un hogar en la Demostración del Humedal de Bowtie. Esta pieza tiene como objetivo educar a los espectadores sobre el humedal al mismo tiempo que destaca la interconexión de la flora, la fauna, el agua y la tierra.

Los artistas crearon un folleto impreso educativo complementario para acompañar el sitio web.

The Interconnected Bowtie project features an interactive educational website with digital animations of plants and stop motion puppet animations of animals that may call the Bowtie Wetland Demonstration home. This piece aims to educate viewers about the Wetland while highlighting the interconnectedness of the flora, fauna, water, and land.

The artists created a supplementary educational printed pamphlet to accompany the website.

Graphic Design: Clarence Sim
Digital Animation: Jiwoo Lee
Stop Motion Animation: Raffaele Gans-Pfister

Excerpt from pamphlet